Ecological Traps for Pantry Moths
A small gray or brownish moth that appears in your kitchen pantry most probably came into your house from food-packaging facility or in the bulk bins at the natural food store, where it laid eggs. It is known by several common names, including pantry moth, Indianmeal moth, flour moth, etc. The adult moth is quite small, making it easy to go undetected until your pantry is full of the insects. These pests will feed on almost any dry foods, especially raw and processed grain products, cereals, pastas, and dog and cat food.
To avoid the spread of these pests, inspect all your dry foods in your pantry for signs of infestation. If you have pets, be sure to check their food as well.
Look for:
• Moths and larvae in and on your food packaging;
• Webs;
• Unusual smell and clumping of grains.
Steps to take in case of infestation:
• Vacuum, scrub and clean all the surfaces in the kitchen and pantry with warm soapy water or vinegar;
• Use Pantry Pure traps to ensure you catch all the remaining pantry pests;
• Prevent another infestation by checking all your groceries for signs of pantry moths and if possible use one Pantry Pure trap just in case one of these pests passed into your kitchen undetected.
Pantry Pure comes in the pack of 3 or 6 traps, easy in use and set up, suitable for trapping pantry moths, such as Indian meal moths (Plodia interpunctella) and Cacao moth (Ephestia elutella). Pantry Pure Trap is made from biodegradable cardboard, pre-baited with a non-toxic pheromone formula mixed with entomological adhesive, safe for your pantry, pets and environment.