Cameraria ohridella

Cameraria ohridella

Short pest overview:

This pest causes significant damage, mainly late summer browning, to the appearance of horse-chestnut trees. Despite the poor appearance of these infested trees, there is no evidence that damage by the moth leads to tree death. Seed weight, photosynthetic storage and reproductive capacity may however be reduced. Trees survive repeated infestations and reflush normally in the following year. The larva feeds in a mine in the leaves of the tree, damaging the leaves and stunting growth.

Geographic Distribution:

This pest is mostly present in European countries.

Life Cycle:

The emergence of Cameraria ohridella adults in spring occurs between the beginning of April and the second half of May, depending on climatic conditions. After mating, each female may lay up to 180 eggs, each egg is laid singly on the upper part of the leaflets, mostly near the veins. Females of the second and third generations lay eggs on all leaflet surfaces. Larval development lasts 25-35 days.