Short pest overview:
This pest feeds on its host plants by piercing the phloem or lower leaf surfaces with its mouth and removing nutrients. Affected areas of the plant may develop chlorotic spots, whither, or drop leaves. Whiteflies also produce a sticky substance called honeydew, which is left behind on the host. Honeydew can induce the growth of sooty molds, which can then reduce the plants ability to absorb light. This results in slower growth, lower yield, and poor quality plants. It also requires that crops be thoroughly washed after harvesting, which raises processing costs for the grower.
Geographic Distribution:
This whitefly thrives worldwide in tropical, subtropical, and less predominately in temperate habitats.
Life Cycle:
Drosophila suzukii overwinter as adults. Flies emerge in spring, but some adults may be active during warm winter days. Eggs are laid in ripening fruits. Egg-laying lasts 10-65 days with up to 21 eggs laid per day. The life cycle from egg hatching to adult emergence ranges from about 9-10 days to 21-25 days at 25°C.