Helicoverpa armigera

Helicoverpa armigera

Short pest overview:

It is a moth, the larvae of which feed on a wide range of plants, including many important cultivated crops. It is a major pest of cotton and one of the most polyphagous and cosmopolitan pest species. The greatest damage is caused to cotton, soy, tomatoes, maize, chick peas, alfalfa, and tobacco.

Geographic Distribution:

Helicoverpa armigera is widespread in Central and Southern Europe, Temperate Asia, and Africa.

Life Cycle:

Depending on the environmental conditions, from 2-5 generations of Helicoverpa armigera may be produced annually. Adults emerge when the average daily temperature reaches +18°C - 20°C, 2-6 days later (rarely 10), oviposition begins. This period lasts 5-24 days and, within this time, a female may lay up to 3180 eggs (up to 457 in 24 h), singly and mainly at night, on chickpeas, cotton, maize, okras, tobacco, tomatoes.