Epicometis (tropinota) hirta lures


Epicometis (tropinota) hirta lures (EN)
Epicometis (tropinota) hirta lures (RO)
Epicometis (tropinota) hirta lures (RU)

Epicometis (tropinota) hirta lures

Epicometis (tropinota) hirta lure is a component of an insect trapping device, that uses to lure blossom feeder into a trap.

The lure, in the form of the cellulose dispenser, that contains attractant for blossom feeder, must be placed in a EC Field trap to be fully functional (traps can be bought separately or in kits with lures).

Using such lures is an economic, environmentally sound approach to either monitor or trap these pests.

The lures in the traps must be replaced every 3-5 weeks to keep attraction rates high.

Shelf life - up to 2 years (optimum conditions).

Category: Epicometis (tropinota) hirta
# SKU / Title Price

Product Description

Epicometis (tropinota) hirta lure is a component of an insect trapping device, that uses to lure blossom feeder into a trap.

The lure, in the form of the cellulose dispenser, that contains attractant for blossom feeder, must be placed in a EC Field trap to be fully functional (traps can be bought separately or in kits with lures).

Using such lures is an economic, environmentally sound approach to either monitor or trap these pests.

The lures in the traps must be replaced every 3-5 weeks to keep attraction rates high.

Shelf life - up to 2 years (optimum conditions).

When to use

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec


Cellulose dispenser.


3-5 weeks once opened. May vary depending on climate.

How to use

  • Take out the lure from its foil pouch just before use and place it on the trap (following Trap Use instructions).
  • Do not place lures unprotected in direct sun.
  • Please keep in mind that the disposal of the wrapping should be done away from the monitoring area.


Depending on the nature of the cultivation area, specific installation methods are advised:

Orchards: In orchard environments, it is optimal to position the trap on the ground. Secure the trap in place using the provided nails to prevent it from toppling over due to strong winds or other external factors.

Flower Fields: For areas with flower cultivation, mounting the trap on a stand is the most effective approach. This ensures that the dispenser is elevated above the plants for maximum efficacy.

Positioning Density

To achieve better efficiency, it is recommended to install the product at a distance of 20 meters between traps, calculating 24 traps per 1 hectare.


Lures should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. For optimal conservation over extended periods, refrigeration is recommended. When refrigerated, the product can be stored for up to 24 months.


Replace every 3-5 weeks or as recommended by the agricultural authorities. Please keep in mind that the disposal of the old dispensers should be done away from the monitoring area, to avoid interference with the monitoring process.


Handle with care. To prevent cross-contamination with other products, it is recommended to wear gloves when handling the product and to thoroughly wash hands before and after handling the lures.


The lures are wrapped in an airtight foil pouch (to protect it from sunlight and contamination). Each lure contains 2 g of ready to use blend.

Suitable Items

EC Field trap

EC Field Trap is an effective device designed for monitoring and trapping of Epicometis (tropinota) hirta in flowering fields and gardens.

EC Field Trap is easy to assemble and is made out of recycled plastic, which ensures its durability. 
Must be used in combination with species-specific pheromone lure, which can be bought separately or in a kit with a trap.

EC Field trap



Non-toxic - this product doesn’t contain toxic chemicals.


Recycled materials - recycled materials are used to manufacture this product.

Safe for Human

Safe for Human - effective, not-toxic pest control solution, that is completely safe for use around humans.


Keep the product out of reach of children and pets.


To the extent consistent with applicable law, buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with directions.


The instructions provided serve as general guidance and are designed for informational purposes. Actual usage guidelines may differ based on factors such as climate, crop type, and pest infestation severity. For tailored advice, please reach out to Eco Center specialists or authorized distributors.